Stephen Fleming – Point Grey Music The bands and choirs of Point Grey Secondary School Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:56:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Point Grey Music Night of Jazz (and Pops) Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:56:11 +0000 The Point Grey Music Department is pleased to announce the return of the Night of Jazz (and Pops) on Friday, May 10th in the large gym. Please join us for an evening of music in a coffee house atmosphere featuring Point Grey Music students..

As in the past, Jazz and Jazz B will be featured. In addition, there will be performances by Symphonic Band, the Grade 9 Band, and Senior Strings, playing a variety of popular music and dance styles. Doors will open at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $10 at the door for adults and $5 for students and alumni (we always love to see alumni). See you then!

Grade 8 Beginner and Intermediate Band Tue, 31 Aug 2021 17:54:21 +0000 Welcome to the Point Grey Music Department! I hope you had great summer vacation! I’m looking forward to meeting all of you next week.

Our first class together will be Thursday, September 9. We will not be playing instruments on the first day, so if you already play a band instrument you can keep it at home. If you are a beginner, which I suspect most of you are, please do not purchase or rent an instrument until we have discussed instrument choices as a class. It is imperative that we have a band that features all the instruments of a typical concert band. By the end of Friday’s class I will have assigned you an instrument so that you can rent or purchase one over the weekend.

I will have more detailed information for you when we meet on September 9. See you then!

Jazz Band A &B 2021/22 Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:55:38 +0000 Welcome back to another year of Jazz at Point Grey. We will keep the same rehearsal schedule as last year. Jazz A rehearses Monday morning starting at 7:25 and Thursday afternoon from 3:25 until 5. Jazz B rehearses on Monday afternoon from 3:25 until 5 and on Thursday morning starting at 7:25. Jazz B will have it’s first rehearsal on September 13, and Jazz A will start on September 16.

I will post personnel lists for each band on the bulletin boards in the Band Room early next week. If you don’t see your name or if you feel you have been assigned to the wrong band, please don’t hesitate to contact me. There is a good chance it was an error on my part.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you next week.

Spring Concerts 2018 Sat, 02 Jun 2018 20:30:04 +0000 The spring concerts are running this week from June 5 – 7.  These are the groups that are performing on each night, although not necessarily in this order.

Tuesday, June 5 – Combo 3, Junior Strings, Junior Choir, and Intermediate Band.

Wednesday, June 6 – Combo 2, Combo 1, Jazz C, Jazz B, Vocal Jazz, Grade 9/10 Band

Thursday, June 7 – Jazz A, Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Senior Strings, Symphonic Band

We are looking forward to three great nights of music. We hope to see many parents, students, and alumni there.

Alumni Night Tue, 22 May 2018 16:52:08 +0000 A reminder to all ex-Point Grey Music students, alumni night is Wednesday June 20 at 6:30 pm. If you were once a member of the Point Grey Symphonic Band, dust off your instrument and we will try and remember how to play…. something. If your instrument has mysteriously gone missing, I can probably loan you something for the evening. It’s a great opportunity to reconnect with some of the people you spent so much time hanging out with in our little band room. As always, we will play for a while and then go catch up at the Manchester on Broadway. So reach out to your classmates and invite them along. I am expecting, but not promising, an appearance by a certain former band teacher. See you there.

Night of Jazz 2018 Thu, 10 May 2018 15:06:41 +0000 Night of Jazz is this Friday the 11th, starting at 6:30. Tickets are $5 for students and alumni, and $10 for adults. As always there will be refreshments and door prizes.  This is an estimated time-line for the evening.

6:30 – Combo 3

6:50  – Jazz C

7:25 – Combo 1

7:45 – Jazz B

8:15 – Combo 2

Jazz A – 8:35

Vocal Jazz – 8:55

Jazz A – 9:20

Victoria 2018 Itinerary Tue, 01 May 2018 22:15:42 +0000 Check out the Victoria itinerary here:

Victoria itinerary

It is imperative you arrive by 5:45 am with your instrument, music, and luggage. Please check the packing list in an earlier post.

9/10 Tour to Victoria Mon, 23 Apr 2018 18:30:03 +0000 I will post the complete itinerary for Victoria. In the mean time here is what you need to know. In order to catch the 8 am ferry from Tsawwassen to Schwartz Bay we must arrive at the school at 5:45 am to load the buses. It will save us time if on Wednesday evening you take your instrument home with you so we can load quickly Thursday morning.

We are staying at the Best Western Carlton Plaza in downtown Victoria. We are returning on the 11 am ferry Sunday morning. Our arrival time at Point Grey should be around 1:30 pm.

More to follow.

Packing List (as requested by Mr. Cheong) Thu, 05 Apr 2018 14:59:13 +0000 Packing list 2018 Edmonton

Check out this detailed packing list, probably provided in the past by Ms. Bone. Note in particular the current bitterly cold weather in Edmonton. As always, we will wear black on black for festival and concerts. You will also need a navy blue PG music t-shirt and/or hoodie. If you do not currently own any Point Grey Music clothing, please see Mr. Fleming and he may be able to help you out.

Edmonton Itinerary Wed, 21 Mar 2018 19:37:00 +0000 Here is the link to the itinerary as it stands today. Note the very early meeting time on the 13th.  As you will see on the itinerary, all your breakfasts in Edmonton are covered as well as three dinners. You are responsible for all lunches as well as two dinners in Edmonton.

Edmonton 2018 Itinerary
