B.C. Honour Group applications

The link to the audition requirements is here. Interested students need to apply by April 17. We have a recording device at the school that students are welcome to use, or the auditions can be recorded at home. Please talk to you music teachers if you have any questions.

Remind Codes

Here are some of the Remind text message codes for this year.

Symphonic Band: Text 253-218-1372. Code is @pgsymph. Or install the app: https://www.remind.com/join/pgsymph

Beginner Band: Text 253-218-1372. Code is @pgbegband. Or install the app: https://www.remind.com/join/pgbegband

Jazz A: Text 253-218-1372. Code is @pgjazza. Or install the app: https://www.remind.com/join/pgjazza

Jazz B: Text 253-218-1372. Code is @pgjazzb. Or install the app: https://www.remind.com/join/pgjazzb

Combo: Text 253-218-1372. Code is @jazzstudy. Or install the app: https://www.remind.com/join/jazzstudy

More class codes to follow.